We had a fun pday to start the week off right--always a necessity. Played some ultimate frisbee. That night not much happened... All our lessons canceled. But of course to make up for it the lord put many people in our path who we were able to talk to.
Tuesday was pretty good. Picked up two new investigators--one of which is a girl we have been trying to get baptized forever. She is on date for June 15th now. We had real time correlation (where we split up and go on visits with Ward mission leaders and talk about what's going on in the ward) Tuesday night, and we have one Ward mission leader that is really slackin at his calling (don't slack at your calling) but he found a guy to go out with us for the night. This dude was crazy. He dominated all the lessons... Haha. We had appointments with two of our newer less than solid investigators and we just get in there and he instantly starts talking about whatever he wants and trying to tell his conversion story to try and convert them. While telling jokes to try and make them laugh. He was THAT kind of a guy. Haha. Luckily the investigators said we can come back, and we will NOT be bringing him again.
Wednesday we ate lunch with a Ward mission leader like we always do. He never fails to satisfy. In fact he was the one, out of all my 19 years of my parents trying-sorry Mom- to get me to enjoy salads. That night K. got interviewed for baptism and is ready to go!
Thursday was pretty lame, I don't think a single person answered the door. Haha. But that night we had a meeting with the high counselor over missionary work and all the Ward mission leaders. Only half of them showed up tho. Pretty disappointing. But it was a good meeting nonetheless, and this stake is well on its way to running very smoothly in the missionary efforts.
Friday, after weekly planning elder Fehoko had a Temple trip at the Salt lake Temple with all the missionaries going home this transfer. Our ride was supposed to pick him up at 11:30, but he got lost. And has no cell phone. So at 11:50 we called the District Leader and had him come pick us up, he got into the Trax station the same time as the train and barely made it. Haha. Then I went to elder and sister block's house to have lunch and correlate as usual, and make baptism programs for K. and T.'s Baptism. When I was done there, I had a kid who is getting ready to serve a mission be my companion for a few hours while we waited for elder Fehoko to get back. We went out and worked, it was a cool experience for him.
Saturday was great. Right after studies we went to have breakfast with our Stake President, which is awesome. He is really involved with the work and always wants to help in any way he can, and it makes a huge difference. After that we worked a bit then went to lunch with Tina and Philippe since elder Fehoko is goin home. Then K. and T. got baptized! This was the last baptism of someone elder Brink took part in teaching, he was able to come back for it and T. (K.'s 8yo bro) asked him to baptize him. K. asked me to baptize her so I got to do that. Due to the circumstances of the mom's health being a burn victim and all, she would not have been able to come to the confirmation had it been Sunday. So we were able to get permission to confirm K. with her brother right after the baptism. Which is not an easy thing to get permission for, it comes from pretty high up. Right after the baptism we got a call from a random lady... When I answered she just said 'oh my goodness, I've been trying to get ahold of missionaries for about 10 days now!' She is not a member and said she just doesn't feel right at the churches she has been going to and she wants to learn more about the LDS church. Long story short I taught her a bit about the restoration over the phone and told her that she feels the way she does at those churches because they do not have the fullness of the gospel. I invited her to baptism, she accepted, and so I put her on date for June 11th. Sadly she does not live in our area, she lives just barely outside of our mission (yet in West Jordan still, haha) but I was able to get her in contact with the missionaries in her area and she is getting taught by them now. Little miracles everywhere. I'm sure those missionaries were excited when I called and said "hey, I'm from the south mission, I have someone in your area that wants to get baptized on June 11th and wants to meet with you tonight." Ha.
Sunday was good too. Good week all in all. We realized that in order to hit a goal that the mission sets-standards of excellence-we needed to have one more lesson with a member present. So we spent a bit of time thinking of who we could teach that wasn't a member that would have a member in the house, and a family came to mind that was exactly that, the wife wasn't a member but the husband was. So we went over and shared a message, picked her up as a new investigator, and set up a return appointment. She doesn't seem all that interested right now but miracles happen, and even if nothing comes of it, the lord helped us achieve our goal. All in all we found 5 new investigators this week. Pretty good.
Today is elder Fehoko's last Pday of his mission. Gonna miss him a ton. It's been a blast with him, his spirit is so strong and he's always laughing, either at you or himself. Tomorrow I will have a new companion, and he will be in the mission home getting ready to leave, Wednesday he flies to LAX, then to New Zealand, then to Tonga. 19 hours of total flight time, plus about 12 hours of layovers. I'm grateful it's an hour flight home when it's my time.
-Elder Ray
T., Elder Ray, Elder Brink, K., and Elder Fehoko |
Elder ?, Elder Ray, Elder Fehoko, and Elder Brink |
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Ultimate Frisbee on P-Day |
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End of mission shopping for Elder Fehoko |