Full-time Missionary

Missionary in the Utah Salt Lake City South Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from August 2015 to August 2017

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Stayin' in Daybreak!

August 15, 2016

Alright. Ya know how last week I said this week would be a good week? It was. Monday started it off great, we went by a potentials house, the mom has started coming back to church, and she has two daughters, Charlotte is 10 and grace is 8. Neither of which are baptized, but we were able to teach them the first lesson and they accepted to get baptized! Saweet. Then we had a lesson with an inactive guy named T., who has been struggling and wants to come back.

Tuesday we had a killer district meeting. That night we split up and went out with some Ward mission leaders, I taught B., a big, hard-lookin body builder who has been coming back to church. I shared a little message about the importance of reading praying and coming to church (the three things most people struggle with), and at the end he teared up saying that was exactly what he needed and said he is having some scary heart problems. We were definitely there at a crucial time to support him. He was going in the next morning to get some tests done and he asked us for a blessing, so we were able to help with that. After that we swung by G., a potential we have been trying to get with for a while, and she let us in! She is 17 and has been going to church with her aunt for the past few months. She has also been participating in young women's and went to girls camp a couple weeks ago. At the end of the lesson we were teaching about the Book of Mormon and asked her what she thought about it (we knew she had a copy and had been reading it). She said that at girls camp her and her aunt walked off into the woods and she prayed and asked God if the Book of Mormon is true. She said she just instantly had an overwhelming feeling and knew the Book of Mormon is true and that the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the only true church. Wow. She easily accepted to get baptized. :) Then after that we taught a less active lady who we had challenged to read the Book of Mormon. She had a ton of good questions and has been learning a bunch, it's great!

The next day we taught G. again, then had a meeting with just the district leaders in the zone and the zone leaders to talk about some of the big changes coming up. Between this and next transfer we will be getting around 50 new missionaries, it'll be a big change. Then we had an early dinner and took E. to Temple square. We watched the new First a Vision Video and at the end he was just in awe, and at that point he said he could say Joseph Smith was a prophet and the church is true. Then we saw an exhibit focused on eternal families and committed him to work towards the temple, which he said he wants to do. He is awesome. 

Thursday was awesome too, we seemed to be led everywhere we went to be where the Lord needed us. We taught a less active couple that thought they were active and committed them to come to stake conference on Sunday. They said they'd be there but we didn't see them so who knows if they came... We will have to go follow up.

Friday we got out to work about 3:30 and worked till dinner, then after dinner we felt we needed to go to T.'s house, and there we met his wife and two kids. His son T. Jr. is 7 and his daughter H. is 10. We taught them, picked H. up as a new investigator, and she accepted to be baptized! Woop woop!

Saturday elder Simmons was sick for the whole morning but we got out to work around  noon and it was kinda a slow day compared to the rest of the week, but still great. We taught a couple less active lessons then helped someone move. We were just driving through some town homes and saw a moving truck and stopped to see what we could do. It was just one older guy, his wife, and an 11 year old son who wasn't much help. So he was grateful we stopped.

Sunday we had Stake conference, and E. came lookin' snazzy in one of the suits I gave him. It was perfect for him, the member of the quorum of the 70 who spoke focused a lot on forgiveness which he needed, given some of the crazy things he's done in his life. It was weird because stake conference was over by noon and we went out to work, whereas we usually have church till 4. We taught a young family right before dinner, the dad has no conviction to live the gospel and his family is starting to fall apart because of it, it's pretty sad. After dinner we taught E. My words can't describe how awesome and prepared he is to hear the gospel. Baptism's on Saturday! He is so ready.

This morning we had to take the car back, I guess someone else needed it more than my gimpy companion! That's alright tho, I've missed biking. Transfer calls came and elder Simmons and I both get to stay in Daybreak for another transfer! We are stoked, neither of us wanted to leave.

-Elder Ray

Seth with Erik and Elder Simmons at Temple Square
Seth's District
Seth's Zone

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